Hampton House
69 Keldregate, Bradley, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD2 1BQ
Hampton House is a purpose built 12 bed home providing accomodation for people with learning and/or physical disabilities. It is split into 2 ‘apartments’ both have 5 bedrooms and there are a further 2 bedrooms upstairs which can be used for individuals who have greater independence skills. These two bedrooms are accesible by stairs or lift. The home is fully accessible for wheelchair users or people with limited mobility, with overhead tracking available in bedrooms and the communal bathroom. All people supported have their own personalised bedrooms with private en-suite facilities and additional equipment that is identifed as being needed. (For example, specialist shower chairs, profiling beds etc).
There are two sets of communal areas which consist of a kitchen / dining room, living area, main bathroom, additional toilet and a shared sensory room. A laundry room is also available.
External to the home is a rear garden which is fenced at the perimeter with gates situated at each end. The garden is accessible to all the people supported and has garden furniture available. There is an attractive gazebo and decking area which provides shelter from the elements.
To the front of the house are parking facilities for staff, visitors and the house vehicle which is used to transport people supported to activities and appointments.
All staff are recruited following stringent procedures ensuring potential candidates are interviewed and suitably vetted with a full employment history and DBS obtained. Once appointed, staff receive an induction and undertake the Care Certificate and all training identified as mandatory by Horizon Healthcare. Other training is also expected to be completed in line with the home’s individual requirements and to encourage ongoing continuous professional development. This includes staff enrolling on an appropriate qualification according to their job role. (Health and social care diplomas level 2 & 3 or Team Leading Diplomas).
Rota’s are planned according to the individual needs of the people being supported and according to agreed funding levels. The rotas are adjusted accordingly with extra staffing provided when required for appointments, hospital stays, activities parties etc..
Within the care support team there are support workers, 4 team leaders, a deputy manager and the registered manager.
Additionally, Hampton House also has a full time handyperson / driver to assist with maintenance and driving duties.
Each person supported has their own individual care and support plan which is built around them and in conjunction with them. This will involve members of their circle of support as required. People supported are encouraged to maximise their independence, communication and choice making and have a variety of activities available to them. Examples of these include attending music therapy sessions which are provided by the organisation, going to hydrotherapy and rebound therapy, attending day centres and accessing aromatherapy. Trips out are regularly planned and in-house actvities are always available with a range of sensory equipment, games, books and pampering items accessible.
People supported have oppurtunities to attend house meetings and also have a monthly review with their allocated keyworker to identify goals and aspirations and to discuss areas of importance to them. This all links into the person centred approach that the organisation strives to achieve.
- Twelve spacious bedrooms each with an en-suite shower, sink, and toilet
- Furniture including, ceiling tracking (if required) from bedroom to en-suite and profiling height adjustable bed
- Large furnished lounge
- Kitchen/dining room with height adjustable tables
- Assisted bathroom
- Level access entry from the car park to the front of the property, with level access throughout the home and a flat patio with gardens and raised flower beds to the rear of the property
- Specially selected light oak bedroom chests and wardrobes that match the profiling beds
- A multi sensory and activity room
- A laundry room with washing machine and tumble dryer
- A beauty room