Ferndale Lodge
Hurst Knowle, Almondbury, Huddersfield, HD5 8FD
Ferndale Lodge is a purpose-built building that provides support to 8 individuals who all have a diagnosis of Learning Disability and associated complexities such as epilepsy, autism and physical disabilities.
Ferndale lodge is in the centre of the community, where there are bus routes to the town centre and surrounding areas, a small store and within walking distance to the village where there are plenty of shops and amenities to access..
Ferndale Lodge has 8 individual bedrooms, all with en-suite, with an additional large sensory bath, kitchen and dining area, communal living area, laundry, sensory room and large garden to the rear, that is all wheelchair accessible.
Everyone who lives at Ferndale has been assessed prior to admission to ensure compatibility and their support needs have been identified. Adaptations such as hoist tracking have been made to the service to accommodate specific requirements.
There is a full time supernumerary registered manager who has Leadership and Management, and health and social care level 5 qualification, with over 10 years of management experience in Learning disability. There is also a deputy manager who is level 3 Health and social care, also having many years management and learning disability experience.
The staff team are supported by two team leaders with the full staff team either having achieved or working towards formal qualifications.
The service is often described as ‘very homely’ or like being a ‘home from home’. The home is very proud of the staff team and their dedication to the people we support.
Each person supported has their own person centred care plan which is specific to them with which information has been gathered from the individual and their circle of support. The people we support are encouraged to be as independent as possible and to live a fullfilled happy life.
We have fantastic relationships with professional bodies who work alongside the team at Ferndale Lodge to provide high quality care.
The people we support are involved with the running of the home including recuitment, activity choice, décor, menus, and daily living skills with the support of their individual keyworker and the full staff team.
House meetings are also held regularly where people supported can discuss various topics relating to living at Ferndale.
Goals and aspirations are discussed in monthly reviews which take place with keyworkers.
In order to provide additional space for people supported to engage in activities and time away from the other communal areas of the home in a quiet area, a garden room has been installed. This has been designed according to the wishes and needs of the people supported in the home to maximise its benefit.
Rota’s are planned according to the individual needs of the people being supported and according to agreed funding levels. The rotas are adjusted accordingly with extra staffing provided when required for appointments, hospital stays, activities parties. Activities are really important within the home with a large focus on ensuring people supported are engaged and receive the opportunity to participate in doing new things as well as the activities they love/have always done.
- Eight spacious bedrooms each with an en-suite shower, sink, and toilet
- Furniture provided in all bedrooms specific to individual need and (where required) ceiling tracking from bedroom to en-suite and profiling height adjustable bed
- Large furnished lounge
- Kitchen/dining room with height adjustable tables
- Sensory bathroom – with jacuzzi, lights and music
- Level access entry from the car park to the front of the property, with level access throughout the home and a flat patio with gardens and raised flower beds to the rear of the property
- A multi sensory and activity room
- A laundry room with washing machine and tumble dryer
- Garden room and extensive garden space